Smitten Kitchen- Lemon Raspberry Muffins
SO have you ever started making a recipe, you know measuring out the sugar and butter and creaming them... then realizing you are missing an ingredient? I do, constantly. This time it was eggs. Of course I had started baking at 10:40, so too late to go them. If I had been cooking, not baking or if I had it I would have used apple sauce. But that isn't really abundant in my kitchen. So I used a oil to water ratio of 1:2 tablespoons, for a total of 3 tablespoons, apparently the weight of an egg. Between this substitution and my lack of a mixer to go the creaming, I will give these muffins the benefit of the doubt regarding the texture and make them again. They were a little dense with a thick crumb.
My inexperience caused me to push the raspberries too far into the dough so they became little pits, which is still cute and delicious.
The real downfall of this recipe is that I skinned 2 lemons for peel, and didn't use any of the juice. I want more lemony-ness!
Look how puffy and happy they look then...

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