Monday, July 12, 2010


As I walking home today, it smelled like lilies. But I couldn't see where they were and it made me sad. I miss driving around with my mom growling whenever I saw tiger lilies.

So songs that remind me of home- (and most of these probably don't apply to you sorry!)
idk just a memory I share with my mom-

and now the only song my brother and I agree on-

So my mother has been patient with all my music moods through the years. Since middle school I always controlled the music when we drove, and I need to thank her for that.
Blink 182 has been by biggest obsession, always. She drove up to Albany to see them with me but the bailed : (

my moms 2nd favorite band

my moms favorite band- who she saw with out me lame!

I wanted the song- make yourself at home, but I couldn't find it
I love the line- I'm out making you proud